PullMonkey Blog

15 Nov

Azilink is working again !

If the apk is not available for download yet, you can build it yourself with the fix from here.
Step 1 - Grab the source from svn -

svn checkout http://azilink.googlecode.com/svn/trunk/ azilink-read-only

Step 2 - Update the UdpDriver.java per this azilink issue.

Step 3 - Build and install the apk

# this will give you a build.xml file
android update project --target 2 --path /path/to/your/azilinkdownload/
# after plugging in your device and from your azilink project directory
ant debug install

Step 4 - Install Open VPN

sudo apt-get install openvpn

Step 5 - Grab the azilnk.ovpn file from the downloads section.
Place somewhere you won't lose it.

Step 6 - Copy this resolv.azilink file to the same place as the azilink.ovpn

Step 7 - Copy this azilink script to somewhere you can get to it

Step 8 - Start azilink on your phone.

Step 9 - Run the script from step 7.

That's it.

13 Nov

Hello Android – Pindah (with Mirah) Application

Did you install the Android SDK / JDK, etc?  If not, start here - http://developer.android.com/sdk/index.html.
If you're running 64-bit like me, make sure to install the ia32-libs, since the SDK is 32-bit.

This is completely based on the Hello Android tutorial - I didn't really do a whole lot, but the hope is that this will help get some more ruby devs into android development with a simple how-to.

Step 1 - Setup RVM with jruby

Note: RVM is awesome, if you don't use it or don't know about it - read more here.

rvm install jruby
cd /path/to/your/android/pindah/mirah/project/dir/
# using your .rvmrc will trigger `rvm use jruby` when you cd into your project dir.
echo "rvm use jruby" > .rvmrc
# this will make sure your .rvmrc is working, you should then be able 
# to use rvm info and see jruby
cd .

Step 2 - Install the mirah and pindah gems

# too easy
gem install mirah pindah

Step 3 - Create your first pindah app

pindah create com.example.android.hello_world
cd hello_world

Step 4 - Create your activity - HelloAndroid.mirah

# from your project dir and inside your pindah app dir 
<editor> src/com/example/android/hello_world/HelloWorld.mirah

This is the code I used:

Step 5 - Setup your AndroidManifest.xml file

This is where you define your app, version, name, etc, but more importantly for this example - what activity will handle your main intent.
Mine looks like this:

Step 6 - Install to your device

# make sure a device is recognized  ... 
# and make sure adb is in your path (platform-tools in the SDK)
adb devices
rake install

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